I'm Emrecan Öksüm.

Web backend developer | Sysadmin | Webmaster

Emre'nin Kafası

Who is this guy?

Independent, Creative, Committed, Hardworking. Thats mostly who I am.

I was born in 2000 at Istanbul. I always loved computers. By the time I grew, I always had a dream becoming a software developer and creating my own programs that do things for me. I was 12 when I ran my first C++ program. It was a guessing game and it was terrible :)

I always have my own goals in my life whose must be achieved somehow in the best way possible. Soon or late, I do my best and reach my goals. Thats how things have worked out so far for me.

I generally overthink, which makes me tired sometimes but thats fine. With that I get to have plenty of time thinking my life choices, wrongs and truths I committed so far. I do it deliberately sometimes just to criticize myself which is the best thing to do if you want to achieve successes.

If I promise for anything, it won't go wrong. Or in better words, I will always try and do my best to prevent it from going wrong if you have my word for anything possible.

You can trust me if I tell you to. Everybody makes mistakes. The path to success is to make least mistakes possible in this inn with two doors. I stand by my words. You won't see me contradict myself. Whatever I decide in this life, im doing it for the sake of humanity. If you can't see it in my actions, you will see it later. Surely some pieces would be missing.

I like sharing things. It could be anything. Happiness, memories, wealth, peace... Sunan Kübra Hadith 19049
I am a Muslim. But I don't think i'm very religious. Because religions are meant to teach people the beautiful morality to contribute the global dignity. As long as what people tells about me, I think Im not so far from the beautiful morality every religion has ordered. I of course have mistakes that must be resolved, Im working on them.

I believe everyone has the right to have freedom of speech. It makes me sad when I see extreme reactions from people when a frame of mind is expressed with words. True or not, everyone needs to be able to express their thoughts.

Bold and enterprising stereotypes is what we lack nowadays. We need more people with attempts to create a different path from others. I have always tried creating different paths for myself but drawing a path from scratch and creating your own destiny is never as easy as following a path that is already lightened up. Im struggling on creating a new path for myself and anyone that desires to follow it. Which is inevitable for every human being. But will do it sooner or later.

My Skills









Contact Me

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Istanbul, Turkiye

Phone: +90 534 483 9345

WhatsApp: +90 534 483 9345

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

What people say about me?

Below, you can see what visitors of my personal webpage said about me. As I said before, I believe everyone has freedom of speech rights. So, anything you write here will be posted instantly publicly. If you want to add your thoughts as well, keep scrolling down.